Calligram Final- Stevie Nicks

This is my calligram final featuring a portrait of Stevie Nicks. I spent a lot of time on this project and included a lot of detail, mainly on the eyes. I started with mapping out her face with text lines, and filed them in. I’d eyedrop from the original picture, and make the text that same color. I sectioned out parts of the face in order to create depth and make her face have different colors and shadows. I also used different colored text to highlight, for example, her lip to also achieve this depth and add detail. Within each eye is a font as small as .05, as well as a large quantity of text. I made the hat and background a larger text because I felt the face deserved the most detail and I wanted it to be focused on the most. I had fun creating the outline of her face, as well as adding the shading to make her look realistic. I could’ve improved on the hair as well as her skin tone, but overall I feel proud of my work.


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