
This shows my happy place that I go to when I feel like my world is getting darker. I like to go out into nature, or imagine I'm surrounded by it, and be with my dog and watch some movies on my laptop. I took a total of 5 photos, and in Adobe Illustrator, used the lasso tool to cut myself out of the photo below, and insert it into the photo of my dorm room couch. I used transparency layers to edit the picture of the forest, and added a water color filter to the photo of the couch. I used the lasso tool to cut out the dog and the laptop, and inserted them as well. I then used the paint tool to create the ‘darkness’ and took a long time using different style brushes and erasers to make it look as if it’s dissolving.  

25% Quality:
50% Quality:

75% Quality:
 100% Quality:

Playing with different GIF Formats:
Here I limited the colors to 32, and made white transparent
 Here I limited the colors to 16 while keeping white transparent
Here I limited the colors to greyscale

Here I limited the colors to only 4


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